Welcome to the SolidXperts guide on installing DraftSight Enterprise, a powerful 2D CAD software designed for large organizations. Tailored to enhance efficiency, this software offers a range of features, including network licensing, comprehensive technical support, and an intuitive interface. Our Xpert tutorial will walk you through the installation process, ensuring you unlock the full potential of DraftSight Enterprise for your team.

DraftSight Enterprise relies on the SolidNetWork license server to efficiently distribute licenses across users. To ensure smooth access for everyone within your network, this server software must be strategically installed on a centralized server or a machine that remains consistently connected.

If you’re ready to embark on the installation journey, this expert tutorial will guide you through the process, step by step. Without further ado, here is how to install Draftsight Enterprise. On the machine that will be used as the server, follow the following steps:


1First, download the SOLIDWORKS installation package and run setup.exe.


2Select “Install Server components” and “Install SOLIDNETWORK License Manager”. Click “Next”.


Install DraftSight


3On the next screen, after reviewing the License Agreement, select “I accept the terms of the SOLIDWORKS License Agreement”, and click “Install Now”.


Install DraftSight


4Then once this is installed, from the start menu open:

SOLIDWORKS Tools 20xx à SolidNetWork License Manager server 20xx

In the following message box, click “Yes”.


Install DraftSight


5Verify the SolidNetWork License Server Information, and click “Next”.


Install DraftSight


NOTE: Make sure firewalls are not blocking ports 25734 and 25735 on both ends of the connection.


6In the following Product Activation window, on the right side of the white box, click “Add” to add a serial number.



Install DraftSight


7Copy & paste the serial number into the box. Click “Okay”.


Install DraftSight


8Then, put your email address in the box and make sure to check “Automatically over the Internet”. Click “Next”.


Install DraftSight


9The next window confirms your licenses from SOLIDWORKS. If everything looks good, click “Finish”.


Install DraftSight


10Now is the time to install Draftsight on your workstations. Go to:

www.draftsight.com  Support   Download


Install DraftSight


11Click on Windows.


Install DraftSight


12Download and execute Draftsight.exe. Click “Run”.


Install DraftSight


13Choose SolidNetWorks License (SNL) and click “Next”.


Install DraftSight


14In the box, provide the Port@Name of the server, inserting your server name or its IP address on the local server. Click “Next”.


Install DraftSight


15Thoroughly review the agreement and check, “I accept the terms in the license agreement”, then click “Install”.


Install DraftSight

Install DraftSight


16Congratulations, you can now run DraftSight!


Install DraftSight


With DraftSight Enterprise successfully installed, your organization is perfectly positioned to leverage enhanced 2D productivity and collaboration. Don’t forget, SolidXperts is here to support your 3D journey every step of the way.

To maximize the benefits of your newly installed 2D CAD solution, for more information, you can always reach out to our dedicated Xperts for help.

Happy designing!