Better integration of SOLIDWORKS Electrical for SOLIDWORKS PDM


Did you know that a better integration of SOLIDWORKS Electrical for SOLIDWORKS PDM is now available?

SOLIDWORKS provides you with a new tool: SOLIDWORKS Electrical integration for Professional SOLIDWORKS PDM 2018. SOLIDWORKS Electrical Integration for SOLIDWORKS PDM is a new SOLIDWORKS Electrical component that implements a better integration with SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical Integration for SOLIDWORKS PDM is a free product that will be available to customers using SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2D and SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional.

SOLIDWORKS Electrical Integration for SOLIDWORKS PDM is being released with SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2018
The most important functionalities of this tool are:

• SOLIDWORKS Electrical users will obviously be able to store their projects in SOLIDWORKS PDM from within SOLIDWORKS Electrical.
• Allow the work-sharing between users.
• Variable mapping between both products so that key electrical metadata can be made available in SOLIDWORKS PDM.
• Electrical components libraries will be pushed and synchronized to SOLIDWORKS PDM
• “Where Used” information will be available.
• This product will also manage electrical deliverable files, such as PDF and DWG.
• It will also publish an advanced electrical Bill of Material (BOM) to SOLIDWORKS PDM.

Installation, administration and users guide will be installed in the installation folder of SOLIDWORKS Electrical integration for Professional SOLIDWORKS PDM 2018.

Once SOLIDWORKS Electrical integration for Professional SOLIDWORKS PDM 2018 was installed in SW Electrical, you must define some parameters in the administration of the tool.



You will beforehand have created a folder structure in your PDM vault to host your 2D SW Electrical projects, and logs, as well as a Library folder for synchronization of SW Electrical.

In the tab General Settings:
Choose your Vault and the library folder in your vault.

In the tab Log Settings:
Define the folder of logs inside the vault, as well as its options.

In the tab File Structure:
According to SOLIDWORKS Electrical document types, you can make some Mapping.

To start the collaboration of SOLIDWORKS Electrical integration and SWPDM.
Since you are Project Manager:
Unarchive and open your SW Electrical project
(Files *.tewzip)

Work on your project as usual, when ended.
Make a synchronization of your library towards PDM,
by using Synchronize Libraries.

And make Check-in:

As asked, select the parent file of your project.

A table showing all the files which will be archived will appear, click Add.

Let the process make the creation of all the objects of your project (it can take some time).

Once the process is completed; you will notice that the structure of your project SOLIDWORKS Electrical was duplicated in PDM. by adding a folder BOMS.
and creating a .pdf file of your complete drawing package.


Local PDM view


Local PDM view

You will also notice the creation of all your drawings in .dwg format.

All the PDM tabs will be accessible. You can even design a specific card for your SOLIDWORKS Electrical projects.

As well as file cards which will inherit some properties of their folder card.

In the folder BOMS; you will find all the bills of material for your project. It will be possible for you to open and export your BOM throw Excel such as any other BOM in PDM.

By choosing a file of a BOM (Click + right button of the mouse) to obtain the options such as: Browse to, allowing to go to the localization of the library parts.

This new tool will allow better collaboration between your electric and mechanical engineering departments. If you have any questions just contact one of our Xperts.

On the same subject, take a look at the video produced by SOLIDWORKS:


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    PDM: Using conditional transition notifications in a workflow.


    PDM: Using conditional transition notifications in a workflow.

    By Pascale Brouillette – Data Management Specialist at SolidXperts

    Conditional notifications can be used during a transition to notify different groups or users according to certain criteria:

    – Types of documents

    – Data card variables
    These notifications can be sent in a predefined or dynamic way.
    Here is the methodology for conditions according to SOLIDWORKS document types (file path):

    1 – PDM Administration Tool > Work flow > Open :

    2- Workflow Transition > Properties :

    3- Notifications tab > Add Conditional Notification :

    4 – Tab Recipients

    – Add Users/Groups :
    Select groups that must receive the notifications

    – Add Variable :
    You can use a data card variable as a notification trigger.

    5 – Notifications tab > Notification Conditions

    < Click here to add a condition >

    – Variable
    For the example: The file path

    Value / For the example: enter the file path

    – Comparison
    For the example: Text equal to

    The list of operators depends on your selection in the previous step

    2D App / to approve drawings

    3D App / to approve models

    In the end, for this example, you will have two groups of notification recipients

    6 – Test: A set of documents have been changed stated by a designer.

    7 – Results: Notification Received by members of approved 3D & 2D groups.

    Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


    Any questions? Need help? Ask one of our experts.

    Whether you’re ready to get started or just have a few more questions, you can contact us toll-free:

      Third-party Files Available for Import as Graphics Bodies


      Third-party Files Available for Import as Graphics Bodies

      By Gregory Bejtlich – Application Specialist at SolidXperts

      Following the release of SOLIDWORKS, users can now import third-party files as graphical 3D meshes rather than solid or surface bodies. Previous releases were limited to the mesh file types *.stl, *.obj, *.off, *.ply, *.ply2. Changes for 2019 also include the addition of a ‘Graphical Body’ check box from the ‘Open’ dialog.

      Importing as a graphics body can be very useful for manual remodeling or taking specific measurements. Additionally, importing as a graphics body utilizes significantly fewer resources when opening large or complex files.

      To access this feature, follow the steps below.

      Import as a Graphical Body can be accessed with File > Open (Ctrl + O) or Insert > Component > Existing Part/Assembly within an assembly.

      Using the file format drop list, select any third-party format such as Autodesk Inventor (*.ipt) or ProE/Creo (*.prt)

      Unlike importing mesh files, users are no longer required to enable the Graphics Body through the options menu. SOLIDWORKS now includes an “as Graphical Body” check box below the file explorer. Select the check box and click ‘Open’.

      The Inventor Part (*.ipt) is now imported as a Graphical Body. Notice the feature tree displays the part not as a surface body or solid body – but as a Graphic Body.


      Contact Us if you have any questions.


      Any questions? Need help? Ask one of our experts.

      Whether you’re ready to get started or just have a few more questions, you can contact us toll-free:

        How to fix a toolpath with SOLIDWORKS CAM?


        How to fix a toolpath with SOLIDWORKS CAM?

        By Ghyslain Lacombe – Application Specialist at SolidXperts

        When creating a toolpath, the result can sometimes not be the one you want. In the following example shown in video and screen captures, there is a steel island in the center of a cutting.
        How to correct the default toolpath in order to remove the steel island left by the initial toolpath?

        1- Region to be machined:

        As you can see, the customer wants to machine this region:


        2- Result of the initial toolpath:


        The result of the toolpath leaves an undesirable steel island: How to correct this?

        3- Edit the function: Z Level:

        The operation parameters are as follows:


        4- In this case, you must change the method from constant to scallop to be able to eliminate material that cannot be machined with the other process.



        5- The result still leaves an unmachined region because it is necessary to increase the precision:



        6- It is then necessary to reduce the scallop and the minimum cut amount to be able to remove all the material.



        7- The result shows that the machining is now complete:



        Therefore, depending on the kind of workpiece, you must determine the machining method to use and adjust the number of passes and the scallop for machining to be complete.

        Contact Us if you have any questions.


        Any questions? Need help? Ask one of our experts.

        Whether you’re ready to get started or just have a few more questions, you can contact us toll-free:

          Revision table, now automatic with PDM 2018!


          Revision table, now automatic with PDM 2018!

          From now on, find the SolidXperts technical minute every week on our blog. Tips, tricks, updates, news; you won’t miss any of it, so our SOLIDWORKS solutions will no longer be a secret to you. Continue reading “Revision table, now automatic with PDM 2018!”

          Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts for SolidWorks


          Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts for SolidWorks

          As with video games, there are hidden shortcuts in the SolidWorks software. Today, we reveal some of these different combinations to help with your part, assembly, and drawing creation.

          Continue reading “Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts for SolidWorks”

          Connectivity issues with PDM? Here is the solution.


          Connectivity issues with PDM? Here is the solution. (PING / NSLOOKUP / TRACERT / TELNET)


          Let’s begin with a reminder of the main requirement to have an efficient network communication with the PDM server:

          • Be able to ping the PDM server by his hostname and his IP address.
          • The ping latency should be under 30ms on a LAN and 100ms on a WAN from a workstation client to the PDM server.
          • The ports TCP_3030, TCP_1433, UDP_1434 need to be opened on the windows firewall of the PDM server


          To validate these requirements, here some steps that can be done:

          1. Run a constant ping of 1500 bytes to the PDM server
            • Start > Enter “CMD” and select “Command Prompt
            • From the new windows command prompt, enter:

          > ping ARCHIVESRV –l 1500 -t

          1.2.2 If the server replies well you will always obtain multiples lines with positive reply from the server.

          1.2.2 Network issues will generate some line like “impossible to reach the host” or “request time out”, then you need to investigate on the network cards, the wires, the switches, the routes.

          Latency of 100ms occurs in a WAN environment where the server and the client are not in the same office and a VPN is set between the two sites.

          1.2.3 If the ping is failed using the hostname, try with the IP address, if that works then you know that you have a DNS issue.

          1. Run NSLOOKUP to know the DNS server used your network and to confirm that it can translate the name of the PDM server to get his IP address

          2.1 From the command prompt windows,


          > nslookup
          you got the name and the IP address of your DNS server (dc.zzz.local

          >> ARCHIVES
          you got the IP address of ARCHIVESRV (ex:

          If you can resolve the name of the server but cannot ping by his name:

          • Restart the Windows DNS client service on the user’s workstation
          • Clear the DNS cache using the command: ipconfig /flushdns


          1. Run a TRACERT to know the path taken to communicate with the PDM server

          3.1 From the command prompt, enter:

          > tracert ARCHIVES
          Each line represents a hop, either the destination server directly, either the gateway of a VLAN or firewall or tunnel VPN or the ISP. The more lines you got, the more the latency can be impacted.


          1. Run Telnet to check if the ports are well opened

          4.1 Start > Type “Control panel” > clic on “Programs and features” > choose “Activate or inactivate Windows features”, look for and select “Telnet client” and then OK.

          4.2 >Telnet ARCHIVESRV 3030

          4.2.1 If the port 3030 is opened you should obtain a new window opened with a cursor flashing.

          4.2.2 If the port is not opened you will get the error message “Impossible to open a connection to the host using the port 3030”.

          4.3 Repeat the previous steps but with port 1433 and 1434.


          With 25 years of experience and more than 250 certifications, SolidXperts teams can help you become true 3D experts! An additional question? Need information?

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            Server Installation for SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard


            Server Installation for SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard

            By Elene Teolis – PDM Application Specialist

            The following steps will guide you through the installation of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and its basic minimal operational configuration settings.

            This document will cover the following points:

            1. Server Preparation
            2. Software installation
            3. Archive Server Configuration
            4. License Activation
            5. Creating a Safe

            Server Preparation

            1.1. Ensure the server meets the computer requirements. See Hardware and System Requirements – PDM STD.
            1.2. Have your PDM Standard License Number on hand.

            SOLIDWORKS PDM licenses must be released by SOLIDWORKS in order to be activated on a server.

            Contact SolidXperts Technical Support to have your PDM Standard license released.
            -Telephone: 1-877-824-3379 or 1-877-876-5434, ext. 150

            The installation files for PDM Standard can be found on the DVD or in the SOLIDWORKS Portal.

            Software Installation

            2.1. Run ‘Setup.exe’ as an Administrator

            2.2. Choose which Server Products to install

            • Install SOLIDWORKS PDM Server Components
            • Install SolidNetWork Licensed Manager

            2.3. SNL Server Options

            • Enter your license numbers into SolidNetWork License Manager

            SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard licenses are floating. The available number(s) must be entered in this field, separated by a comma.

            2.4. Component Installation Summary

            • SOLIDWORKS PDM server – Edit

            • Validate and/or edit the options for:
              • Server Product: Choose SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard
              • Features to install:
                • Archive Server
                • Server Database
                • Client

              • SQL Server:
                • Choose the previously installed SQL Express instance
                • Enter the SA username and password, chosen when installing SQL Express

            2.5. Validate the information – Install now

            Archive Server Configuration

            Once the server component installation is complete, the Archive Server Configuration tool starts automatically to continue configuration.

            3.1. You must change the location of the archive server files so that they are located on the disk intended for the data (as prepared in the first section “Server Preparation”).

            3.2. Choose a password for the default Admin user

            3.3. Choose a password the SA user will need to connect to SQL.

            3.4. Keep administrators only for “Administrative access” and keep the default options for “Attach access”.

            The Archive Server configuration is complete.

            License Activation

            4.1. Start SolidNetWork License Manager

            4.2. In the “Server Administrator” tab, choose “Edit”

            4.3. Choose “Select All”

            4.4. Choose “Activate/Reactivate” your product licenses

            4.5. Validate the information of your License Server

            • The ports are: 25734 and 25735

            Create a Safe

            5.1. Start the PDM Administration tool

            5.2. Right click on the server name – Create a new safe

            5.3. Enter a name for the safe

            5.4. Keep the default values for the location of the archive files.

            5.5. Select the SQL instance created for PDM Standard installation, leave the suggested name for the database.

            5.6. Add the License Server: Enter Port 25734@”name of your server”

            5.7. Choose a default language

            5.8. Check the default password (the password used will be the one set when installing the PDM Archive Server).

            (Uncheck the option and choose a new password if you do not want to use the default password)

            5.9. Choose Quick Start for SOLIDWORKS

            • You will have data cards and a basic workflow among others.

            5.10. Leave all the options checked by default

            5.11. Click on “Finish” to create the safe.

            The creation of the safe is finished.

            5.12. The name of the vault now appears in the PDM Administration Tool. Right-click on the server name and refresh if the name does not appear.

            For a standard PDM vault, the vault symbol appears in grey.

            You are now ready to create a local view on the client workstation and start working with your new PDM Standard vault.


            Any questions? Need help? Ask one of our experts.

            Whether you’re ready to get started or just have a few more questions, you can contact us toll-free:

              SQL Express Installation and Configuration Guide


              SQL Express Installation and Configuration Guide

              By Elene Teolis – PDM Application Specialist at SolidXperts

              How to Install SQL Express in Preparation for Installing SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard
              *Your windows and menus may vary slightly depending on the server operating system.

              1. Server Preparation
              1.1. Make sure the server meets the technical requirements: View SOLIDWORKS and SW PDM System Requirements
              Make sure that .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0 are installed, if necessary, configure the “Application Server” role on the server:

              1.2. Prepare file structure
              – If possible, create 2 partitions. Reserve the C: drive for applications and another for the data.
              – Create a folder structure in the disk to receive the data as specified below:

              Suggested file structure

              *SQL cannot save its data to an external disk or hard disk storage (NAS or SAN).

              2. SQL Server Express Installation
              The installation of SQL Server Express is done by following the instructions in the PDM installation guide. Here are the steps followed for a typical SolidXperts installation.
              – SQL Express can be found on the DVD or in SOLIDWORKS downloaded files.

              2.1. Start the installation as an administrator.

              \SOLIDWORKS 2019 SP0\PreReqs\SQLServer\sqlexpr_x64_enu.exe

              2.2. Choose a new installation.

              2.3. Accept the license terms.

              3. Option Selection: Choose Database Engine Services.

              4. Instance Configuration
              – If it is a new installation, choose Default instance.
              – If SQL is already installed, choose Named Instance and enter a name.

              4.1. Server Configuration: Leave default values for service account names.

              4.2. Database Engine Configuration
              – Select Mixed Mode.
              – Create a password for the SQL System Administrator.
              – Specify the SQL Administrator à Click Add Current User and add the Domain Administrators group (domain admin) and/or the local Administrators group.

              – Change the following directories to conform to the file structure created in the server preparation step.

              – Start the installation by clicking on Next.

              Installation complete


              5. SQL Express Configuration
              5.1. Launch ‘SQL Express Configuration Manager’

              – In IPAll, clear the value in Dynamic TCP Ports.
              – Set the TCP Port to the static port number that you want the SQL Server Express instance to follow:

              • If SQL Express is the only SQL Server instance on the system, set the port to 1433.
              • If there are other SQL Server instances on the system, set the port to a single value, for example 1440.

              – Restart the SQL Server Service for the new instance.

              The server is ready to install SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard.


              With 25 years of experience and more than 250 certifications, SolidXperts teams can help you become true 3D experts! An additional question? Need information?

              Contact us! 

              SolidXperts team is always there for you!


              Any questions? Need help? Ask one of our experts.

              Whether you’re ready to get started or just have a few more questions, you can contact us toll-free:

                Broken-Out Section View in a Drawing


                Broken-Out Section View in a Drawing

                When creating a broken-out section view of a drawing, it is possible to set the depth of the cut according to a numerical value. But did you know that it’s possible to select an edge on another view to define the depth? Or that you can put your 3D drawing in temporary 3D view mode and select the depth on this one? Continue reading “Broken-Out Section View in a Drawing”




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